Now that we are solidly into the 4th quarter, many of us may be taking inventory of achievements for this year, areas that need improvement, and recognizing where we have accomplished our goals. Yes, many good things have happened this year even amidst the turmoil!

From a business perspective, there are many areas that create the foundation for success for your company, but few are as important as the people who are the energy, creativity, and backbone of your business success. In short, your people are your greatest asset. Having your company aligned for success with a strong Culture that supports the people and drives the business seems basic, but is many times overlooked.

Here are some key areas that need to be in place to maintain and grow your business into the future. Now is a great time to assess and grade your company’s performance in the following areas:

  • Does your company have a Vision, Mission/Purpose and Core Values? Are they clearly communicated and understood by all employees?
  • Does company culture and employee engagement need improvement?
  • Do you have leadership training within your organization?
  • Do you have a performance review/evaluation process that is working well?
  • Do you know who your high and low-performing employees are in your organization?
  • Are you focused on your low-performing employees to improve their performance or possibly terminate them if necessary?
  • Does leadership have a well thought out compensation strategy including merit increases, bonuses, and other types of employee rewards?
  • Do you have high employee turnover, but don’t know what to do to slow it down?
  • Do you have a succession planning process in place to identify and develop future leaders within your company, especially if your key leaders are nearing retirement?
  • Do you have job descriptions for all positions within the company that reflect job duties accurately?
  • Has your employee handbook been reviewed and/updated in the last 2 years by an HR professional or labor attorney?

These are our areas of focus as we help our clients improve their HR performance. If you have concerns in any of the above areas, schedule a complimentary call with me below.