Grade Your Company’s HR Performance

It’s time for new year’s resolutions, new beginnings, and getting ramped up for 2023. In our attempt to get the year off to a great start, we stand back and evaluate where we have been, where we are going, and how to get there.

For business leaders and small/middle market business owners, it is even more important to evaluate current efforts to ensure future success. Having your HR house in order goes a long way in solving many of the other issues that come with leading and running a business.

For 20+ years, I worked for Fortune 500’s and middle-market corporations that used the best HR practices. Almost 10 years ago, I decided to take this experience and expertise to small businesses to help them raise the bar of HR excellence in their own companies. I have found this to be very rewarding to help others raise their level of HR Performance and achieve the goal of running their companies more smoothly with a more engaged, productive workforce.

You can grade the current condition of your company’s HR performance by taking this quick online audit/assessment. This short audit will identify weaknesses and areas for improvement in your human resource practices.

By considering the questions here, you can quickly see if your company has the right HR processes in place to position it for future growth and success.

Getting your HR house in order offers huge benefits to the success of your company and is easier than you think by focusing on a few key areas at a time. Make 2023 a great year by raising the bar of HR excellence in your business.
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Small and medium-sized businesses may not have the time or expertise to implement the necessary people strategies for business success. The ideas above can be easily implemented by you to help improve the performance of your employees which leads to increased employee engagement and increasing the bottom line.

We are here to help you with the people side of your business: employee engagement, retention programs, performance management, vision, and strategic plans, leadership development, selection & onboarding, compensations programs, organizational design, employee handbooks, core values, and all things HR-related.