Experts agree that the first 100 days of employment are the most critical for your employees. This time period really sets the tone for the rest of the employee’s career at your organization. A solid on-boarding process will set your new employees up for success. If you’re asking what’s an on-boarding process? Houston, we have a problem!
The on-boarding process is the “First 100 Days” of employment when you assimilate your new employees into the company and show them they are part of the organization and made a good decision to join the company. A well thought out on-boarding process will be challenging for the new hire, get them engaged quickly and establish a good rapport with their manager. If the process is done well it will also get them to truly understand the company culture and see how they fit into the overall scheme of the organization.
Here’s an interesting yet disheartening statistic for you. One third of new hires quit their job within the first six (6) months of employment! Yes, the reason this often occurs goes back to a poor on-boarding process. During the early stages of your employees’ career, it’s critical to outline milestones for your new hires to accomplish and discuss how to work with other employees to get things done. Without these goals to help attentively cultivate new employees, it’s easy for them to become under-challenged or overwhelmed. Both situations are not good and create an unnecessarily heavy burden on your recruiters and your other employees.
This is why a good on-boarding process is so critical, companies with a good process have a much lower turnover rate for employees in their first 6-12 months vs. a company with a poor or non-existent on-boarding process. Think about the cost of rehiring and retraining your new employees constantly. If your company is hiring this year you better make sure your on-boarding process is rock solid. If not, you’ll be replacing many of those employees during 2020.
Does your company need a serious makeover of your on-boarding process? In the interest of space and length of the newsletter, we will continue this conversation next month and give you several tried and true ways to create or improve upon your on-boarding process. Until next month!
Whatever your HR needs, from putting together a compliant employee handbook, helping you lower your employee turnover or going through a major transformation within your company or acquiring a new business we can support your needs. We are available for retained or project based engagements. No HR need is too big or too small.