Micromanagement – The Death of a Leader
Everyone who has worked in corporate America for several years knows what a micromanager looks like. The classic example here is the leader who assigns you a big assignment (estimated at six months in length for example) and tells you they have 100% confidence in your ability to do the project well. You have worked with that same leader for a few years and proven your ability to perform well over time and have gotten very positive reviews reflecting that same feedback. After getting the assignment, your boss checks in each day at 8am wanting a meeting or written status review on your progress thus far.
Here are a few suggestions for the employee:
Have an honest or crucial conversation regarding the frustration of having to do daily updates. Since you have worked for your boss for years and they acknowledge your good performance, just lay things out here and ask for their rationale for wanting these daily updates. Work with them to come up with a better option
Another approach could be to let your boss know you’d like to give them weekly updates since that would be more efficient for both of you. You can report a greater level of progress vs. doing the daily updates. Suggest a different option and let them be part of the solution.
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