The Strength of Servant Leadership
What is the meaning of servant leadership? It is a leadership philosophy built on the belief that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take control for themselves. The aforementioned others can include customers, partners, fellow employees and the community at large.
I have been blessed to work with many great leaders in my 30+ year HR career. Out of literally hundreds of leaders I have worked with, I would estimate that less than 10% of them are truly servant leaders. In a world where there is an “all about me” mentality with many of the people we encounter, including many leaders; it’s refreshing when you see a great leader who is truly a servant leader. They are focused on others vs. self. If you looked at an upside down pyramid, the top leader is at the bottom point, with the customers at the top.
It’s fascinating to see many strong leaders who have character qualities such as servant leadership, humility, outstanding listening skills, empathy and being a visionary. There are 100’s of excellent leadership skills or competencies to leverage, I would say that great leaders often possess the 5 qualities mentioned above. For any leader out there, whether in a corporate, non-profit, or volunteer capacity, I would challenge you rate yourself on these for qualities or competencies. Better yet, ask people you work with closely to rate you on these qualities. It could be a great learning experience and give you things to focus on to develop further.
If you are in a leadership position, continue to focus on developing yourself. The better you are as a leader, the better you can be in serving your team. If you serve your team by being a servant leader, your focus is it’s all about them. If you truly serve your employees or next level leaders, then your job and attainment of companywide goals could become much easier to attain. Servant leadership can also directly drive higher employee retention and engagement levels. That translates into higher revenue and profitability.
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